As you enter the Jamshed Memorial Hall building on the left is one of the rarities of the megapolis of Karachi - a reading room and library which is totally free with admission open to the public. It contains an excellent collection of books on philosophy, theosophy, comparative religion, mysticism etc. Some 10,000 titles are stocked. More books pertinent to the focus on ethical subjects can be added, funds permitting, and some publicity can encourage more citizens to re-discover the joys of reading.




click on image for larger view

The Library is open to the public.
The library timings are:
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sundays
Closed on public holidays.

A BI-MONTHLY THEOSOPHICAL JOURNAL called "The Karachi Theosophist" is published by the Karachi Theosophical Society. It contains the Society's programs and monthly activities, and is sent out free, on request.

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